amplify unheard voices. 🔊

today we will

amplify unheard voices.
WHY In a sustainable world, all voices are equally heard. In our world, they aren't. We can create a more sustainable world by amplifying unheard voices.

HOW If we see information or calls to action that are intended to support those fighting to be heard, we can share it with our networks, online and off.


I've sifted through Instagram and Twitter. Read articles. Talk to people. All in search for what can be done to help fight racial injustice. There are so many things we can do. I'll be sharing the most agreed-upon actions we can take to help that I find. This is one of them. More to come.

Also, as mentioned in Monday's email...

Given current events and tragic injustices, it seemed irresponsible to ignore the human rights issue of racism in America and beyond. Talking about anything else without addressing this first would be pointless, because, until this is addressed, nothing we do in this climate of inequality will ever really be sustainable, in the truest sense of the word.  
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NY, NY 10014

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