give what we can.

today we will

give what we can.
WHY We all have uplifting gifts to offer - music, words, feelings, supplies. Sharing them in troubling times makes us feel more connected, an important part of believing in our collective impact.

HOW Let's think of what we're uniquely able to remotely offer. Let's offer it. Music from Yo-yo Ma. Art from museums. Baby laughs from parents. Supplies for less fortunate neighbors.
Opening up the lines here for anyone who wants to share thoughts on sustainability amidst a pandemic. Or, just shout out out the community — from one socially isolated computer to another.

NOTE: As I'm currently caring for my son full time, I may not be able to produce newsletters every day. Will do what I can. Thank you all for understanding.
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377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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not opt for next- or same-day delivery.

today we will

not opt for next- or same-day delivery.
WHY Expedited shipments mean fewer combined deliveries, so more trips and emissions. We will reduce emissions by not choosing next- or same-day delivery.

HOW Choose at least a two-day delivery when shopping online, or "no rush" shipping if possible. Be careful, sometimes online stores default our shipping as rush.
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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take a little at a time at buffets.

today we will

take a little at a time at buffets.
WHY Food in landfills breaks down into methane. Landfills add about 50 million tons of methane a year. We will reduce those methane emissions by wasting less at buffets.
*that's like burning 1 billion tons of coal

HOW Take less than what we initially think we need from a buffet. If we're still hungry, get more. Finish what's on our plates. Save any leftovers for a meal or snack later. 
From Subscribers on this tip:

Laura S.
"Thanks for this! What kind of reusable bag do you use for bulk?"

TWW Reply
"I use a cotton bag that I found at my local health food store. Don't have one near you? Etsy sells a lot of them, and you can search for shops near you to keep shipping emissions down."

Ingrid T. and Meghan N.
both asked about lined coffee bags.

TWW Reply
"Great question! It really depends on which store you're in and what types of bags they source. Some have linings and some do not. The bags with plastic in them cannot be recycled at most facilities, unless you are able to remove the lining. 

Check to see if your store does, and ask them if they would consider switching if they do have a plastic lining. The paper bags with linings still use less plastic than a typical plastic bulk or produce bag, so I'd still stick with the paper one. Try and reuse it, or buy a fabric reusable one to have the lowest impact!"

Thanks for the questions and feedback, all!
 Subscribe at | #todaywewill
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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scrape instead of rinse food off plates.

today we will

scrape instead of rinse food off plates.
WHY We can each waste about 6,000 gallons of clean water a year by pre-rinsing dishes. We will save that clean water by scraping off dishes instead of rinsing.

HOW Before dishwashing by hand or machine*, scrape off leftovers with a fork or rag. (Rinse just the rag to use again.) A little food left on your plate can actually be good.
*If your machine is newer, you probably don't need to wipe or rinse.
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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