not idle our cars. πŸš™

today we will

not idle our cars.
WHY 3.8 millions gallons of gas are wasted on idling in the US...every day. That's 34,000 tons of CO2*. We will reduce air pollution & our demand for gas by not idling.
*The same CO2 is emitted by burning 36 million pounds of coal.

HOW Turn off our cars when parked for more than 10 seconds. Keep on our coats to stay warm. Note: newer cars don't need as much time to warm up before driving.
From the Community

In response to yesterday's email, Subscriber Kristin S. reminds us that:
"[For] Silk...the worms are boiled alive for us to gather an intact cocoon. Would be better to... [use] tussah or silk that has a burst cocoon where the worm became a moth." Thanks Kristin!
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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choose natural fibers.πŸ‘–πŸŒΎπŸŒ

today we will

choose natural fibers.
WHY Synthetic fibers are made of plastic, so when washed/discarded, micro plastic pollutes our water. We will reduce water plastic by choosing natural fibers.

HOW Look at the labels inside garments — most say which fabrics are used. Opt for those with natural fibers like cotton, linen, or silk. Here's a list of synthetics to avoid.
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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avoid fragrant products. (unless they're 100%, 100% natural)

today we will

avoid fragrant products.
(unless they're 100%, 100% natural.)

WHY 80-90% of synthetic fragrances are made of petroleum*, the stuff used to fuel car engines. We will reduce our dependence on oil by avoiding fragrant products.
*Those made from natural oils only not included. But, be careful, companies don't have to list all ingredients.

HOW From perfumes to detergents, we can choose fragrant-free products. Or, those without petroleum-derived ingredients on this list. Love fragrances? Try natural oils.
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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not eat meat on Mondays.

today we will

not eat meat.
WHY Raising factory farm cattle is one of the top contributors to global warming*. Let's join the positive impact of  #meatlessmonday and help slow global warming.
*With the exception of holistic management.

HOW Order or cook meals without meat. Peanut butter bagel for breakfast. Falafel or hearty seed salad for lunch. Quinoa bowl for dinner. More inspiration here.
Just for Today We Will

10% Off Green Upward Market Bags
Subscriber Gabriella J. sells wonderful market bags and was inspired to offer a discount to Today We Will subscribers after our tip last week around reusable produce bags. Thanks, Gabriella!
Use code: "TODAYWEWILL" to get 10% off your whole order.

Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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