look up "environmental impact" of an item before buying.

today we will

look up "environmental impact" of an item before buying.
WHY There's a lot we don't know about products we buy, but simply because we aren't told. Let's ask. We will know more by looking up "enviro. impact" of items.

HOW Whether it's a ham sandwich or a video game, before buying something today, let's pull out our phones and search for "environmental impact of [insert item here]."
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377 W11th St
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know about the six Rs.

today we will

know about the 6Rs.
WHY We can best reduce our impact if we learn best practices for how to do so. We will help reduce our impact by knowing the 6 Rs.

HOW We all know Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. "Now it's time to add three more to the mix: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Rot and Recycle (in that order only!)"
Learn more here.

Tip inspired by Marina Qutab of EcoGoddess.
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377 W11th St
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unblock heating vents.

today we will

unblock heating vents.
WHY Blocking vents can require 25% more energy to distribute warm air.
We will reduce energy waste by moving something over a few inches.

HOW Look behind and under furniture. If something is blocking a vent, let's move it until it's not.
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377 W11th St
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choose beer over wine. 🍺

today we will

choose beer over wine.
WHY Beer uses less water than wine. And, has a smaller footprint in general. We will reduce water waste and our impact by choosing beer over wine.

HOW When we're out this weekend, buy a beer instead of wine. Whether it's beer or wine, local is always better.

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377 W11th St
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only charge empty batteries.📱💻

today we will

only charge empty batteries.
WHY Charging things requires electricity. Creating electricity usually emits greenhouse gas. We will reduce ghg emissions by only charging empty batteries.

HOW When our laptops are fully charged, unplug them. And, we can charge our phones in the morning until fully charged, instead of all night.
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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wash produce in a pot or bowl.

today we will

wash produce in a pot or bowl.
WHY It usually uses less water than cleaning with running water. We will preserve clean drinking water by washing produce in a pot or bowl.

HOW Put some water in a bowl or pot. Put the produce in the water and wash it. Kinda like this. Any dirt will fall to the bottom. 
Today We Will
377 W11th St
NY, NY 10014

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